Dairy farms are not alone when it comes to a shortage of help. Problems associated with a limited workforce span across other sectors of agriculture and different industries
Sand is widely regarded as the best bedding for dairy cows. But not all sand is created equally. Sand is available in a range of particle sizes for a variety of different uses
There are several reasons why fall is my favorite time of the year. Dropping temperatures, cooler mornings, turning leaves, and perhaps most importantly, football. To be sure, the September games can feel...
Milk and dairy foods will soon be on the table for families who need them most in California’s Central Valley due to a grant from the Legacy Health Endowment
Milk prices are finally on the rise, and some of that is thanks to what’s going on in beef markets. The USDA Cattle report that is released in January and July each year provides a snapshot of...
A healthy diet that includes whole-fat dairy is associated with less risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality no matter what region of the world a person lives in or their income level, concludes a...
Parmesan. Feta. These are among the common cheese names that have been around for generations – and until the past 20 years, were uncontested in their use by U.S. dairy producers selling high-quality,...
When Mike Ciresi goes to work every morning, he doesn’t settle in at a typical office. The dairy specialist isn’t even going to a processing plant or dairy farm
World dairy trade could grow 11% over the next decade. If that comes to fruition, countries around the world would trade an additional 14.2 million metric tons of dairy products
Think globally, act locally. It’s an oft-quoted rallying cry spoken at environmental policy conferences. However, both dairy trade and scientific literature tend to report on environmental imp
“The Dairy Food Makers of Taco Bell" focuses on unique partnership Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) has created with several food chains, including Taco Bell
Dairy exports are an impressive story as the U.S. has grown by leaps and bounds, moving from a nonplayer three decades ago to exporting nearly 18% of our milk production via dairy products
Consumers crave connection. So, how do you create that connection? Build a game-changing innovation center halfway around the world, find some of the best people to run it, and ultimately, create synergy...